Regents Minutes - February 2014

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Board of Regents

1:30 p.m., February 14, 2014

Inn at Loretto, Tesuque Room
Santa Fe, New Mexico


The New Mexico Tech Board of Regents convened at 1:30 p.m., with Acting Chairman Jerry Armijo presiding. Other Board members present were Regent Deborah Peacock, Regent 以色列罗德里格斯里奥斯和摄政理查德卡彭特通过MD安德森医疗中心的电话 Center.  出席会议的大学管理人员、工作人员和嘉宾包括:

1. Proof of Meeting Notice:  The meeting was called to order at 1:35 p.m. by Board of Regent Armijo after the board confirmed that proper notice had been given.

2. Approval of Agenda: 摄政王皮科克提议修改议程,包括诉讼的最新进展 Agenda Item 17.   Regent Rodriguez-Rios seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

3. Minutes:  皮科克(Regent Peacock)提议批准2013年12月3日的会议记录.  Regent Rodriguez-Rios seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Announcements: 校长López报告说,受薪申请者比去年增加了26人 specific.  He also announced February 17 would be a visitation day and to date over 已有200人回复表示愿意参加全天的开放日活动.  He felt confident that enrollment would remain steady or surpass this year.

5. Public Comment:  None

6. NM Tech Annual Audit:  Mr. Lonnie Marquez, Vice President, Administration and Finance introduced Clark Cagle, Atkinson Certified Public Accountants的审计总监 annual audit.  Mr. Cagle reported that all deliverables have been completed except for tax returns.  Regent Peacock asked a series of questions from the audit report with each being answered satisfactorily.  Regent Carpenter motioned to accept the audit as presented; Regent Rodriguez-Rios seconded the motion and it was unanimously accepted.  Regent Armijo stated that each year the audit becomes more complex because 每年威尼斯人app下载的员工都会迎接挑战 and exceed in responding to the auditors.  The staff of the Administration and Finance were recognized, thanked and applauded for a job well done.

7. Quarterly Financial for December 2013:  副总裁马尔克斯报告说,季度财务报告的格式是一样的 as described in the annual audit.  The report compares the revenues and expenditures for the years 2012 and 2013.  Regent Peacock motioned to approve the quarterly financial; Regent Carpenter seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

8. Financial Analysis for December 2013:  Marquez reported that the university is in good financial standing.  Regent Rodriguez-Rios motioned to approve the financial analysis; Regent Peacock seconded the motion and it unanimously was approved.

9. January Degree Conferrals:  校长López提供了学位授予名单,以供参考36 bachelor degrees, 15 masters and 2 doctoral degrees awarded.

10.  Policy on University Policies:  Dr. 的创建策略所需的过程 university.  She furthered this discussion by emphasizing this as a requirement for accreditation purposes.  Discussion continued with questions being asked by Regents Carpenter and Peacock.  Regent Peacock suggested an amendment to the policy:  On page 5,第II节A,第二段,在机构之后,插入和/或校董会 在第6页第二C节第三段第三行,在主席之后插入 and/or the Board of Regents.  Regent Carpenter motioned to approve the policy with Regent Peacock’s amendments; Regent Rodriguez-Rios seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

11.  Property Items to be Removed from Inventory:  Vice President Marquez presented the three resolutions for approval.  The first resolution, 140214-01 was to remove tangible items valued under $5000.00.  Regent Carpenter moved to approve; Regent Peacock seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.  Resolution 140214-02 removes tangible property valued over $5000.00 from inventory.  Regent Carpenter moved to approve the resolution; Regent Peacock seconded the motion and it unanimously was approved.  Resolution 140214-03 is to remove assets with an acquisition cost greater than $5000.00 from inventory.  This would result 通过协商出售或捐赠的方式将四辆车转让给新墨西哥州高地大学.  Regent Carpenter moved to approve the resolution; Regent Peacock seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

12.  Restricted Fund Purchases:  副总统Marquez指出,该奖项的信息是在提供给国防部的数据中 regents citing six awards.  (Note: New Mexico Tech notifies Regents of restricted funds purchases in excess of $100,000; in this case, for one award for PRRC, three for EMRTC and one for Earth and Environmental Science.)

13.  Open Meetings Act Resolution:  该决议已更新并提交批准,以反映新的日期 决议虽然没有改变决议的内容.  Regent Peacock moved to approved the resolution; Regent Carpenter seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

14.  Individual Board Member Comments:  摄政罗德里格斯-里奥斯评论说,只要他赞成学费上涨 因为所得款项用于支付低薪雇员的工资和提供资金 for the Alternative Licensure Program.

15.  New Business:  There was no new business to come before the Board.

16.  Employee Benefit Trust:  The board recessed its regular meeting at 3:20 p.m. to convene as the Benefit Trust. 副总统马尔克斯指出,12月发生了灾难性的索赔.  Bills were being paid; however, the university loaned the benefit trust a total of $800,000.  He stated that two claims were a huge hit to the benefit trust.  In January, he reported, the university recovered stop loss.  At 3:25 p.m., the benefit trust adjourned and the Board resumed in regular session.

17.  Executive Session, NMSA 1978, Section 10-15-1 (H) (2); (如果需要考虑受律师-当事人保密特权约束的事项 涉及个人的未决或可能的诉讼和有限的人事事项 新墨西哥科技公司前雇员:Regent Armijo要求董事会开会 非公开执行会议审议受律师-当事人保密特权约束的事项 与Tech参与或可能参与的威胁诉讼或未决诉讼有关 和一个有限的人事问题,涉及一名技术部门的前雇员. Following 在公开会议上一致唱名表决,执行局在非公开执行会议上举行会议 to consider such matters.  Regent Armijo called on Mr. Kyle Crockett, a former NM 一名技术员工就他对总裁决定的上诉向董事会发言 regarding his employment.  Mr. Crockett addressed the Board and provided Regent Armijo with his written statement.  After Mr. Crockett’s address, the Board continued in closed Executive Session.

18.  再次召开公开会议,并对此类有限人员采取最后行动(如有) 闭门会议结束后应在公开会议上处理的事项 Session:  经过非公开执行会议的审议,没有技术人员在场,在此 除上文第17段所列事项外,其他事项均未讨论 再次召开公开会议,Armijo摄政王宣布,委员会已审议 the appeal of Mr. Kyle Crockett.  Regent Peacock moved to uphold the President’s decision on the termination of Mr. Crockett; Regent Carpenter seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.

19. Adjournment:  董事会没有其他事务要处理,阿米霍摄政王宣布休会.




